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How to replace a window screen in 10 minutes


It just takes a few simple tools to complete this project.

1.New window screen


3.Utility Knife

4.Rubber Spline

5.Spline Roller Tool

Or buy this kit that has the screening, spline, and roller tool included.


Before we get to the tutorial, let’s quickly review the components of a window screen.

Window Frame: This is the outside of the screen and it’s usually made of wood, aluminum, or plastic This pops into the window frame to hold the entire window screen. We have a metal frame around our window screen.

Insect Mesh Screening: This is the material that stretches across the frame, allowing fresh air to pass through and keeping bugs and small insects out. It’s usually made of fiberglass or aluminum and comes in different sizes and colors.


Spline: This is a rubber rope that fits into the frame’s groove to hold the mesh in place. This comes in a few different diameters.

• Remove The Screen Frame

• Take Out The Old Spline & Window Screening

• Cut The Screening (But Leave Extra Material)

• Pre-Roll The Screening

• Insert The Spline & Roll It In

• Cut The Spline

• Cut The Excess Mesh

That’s It!